清醒梦 番外|读一首诗:《分离焦虑》|× 主播与诗


番外 读一首诗《分离焦虑》



  • 00:00:10 一首与精神分析有关的诗
  • 00:00:29 作者与背景介绍
  • 00:01:44 对于精神分析取向的心理咨询过程的好的描述
  • 00:02:20 诗歌朗读
  • 00:04:11 我的理解

Show Notes

  • Separation Anxiety on PEP Web
  • 主播与诗:由播客先声作为主理人,每期会邀请主播读诗的节目;可以 rss 订阅,另可在喜马拉雅、微信听书、小宇宙、网易云音乐等平台收听。
  • 原文:

Separation Anxiety Catherine Webb
It is no use staying
as I will only have to leave.
Being attached to you
fills me with pain and an insatiable need
A reminder of what could have been,
should have been
But will never be again,
and again,
and again
Out pours grief from the core
dependency I abhor
but crave deeply as if I truly were small.
Four again and sitting on your knee
Won’t you put me out of my misery.
What kind of thirty something can I be,
whilst caught up in infantile fantasies.
Still looking for someone to mother me.
I could draw your absence with my pen,
but how can I conjure your presence just the same.
I’m fighting daemons in my sleep
a battle to the death.
It’s as if life is on freeze
and I am sat waiting,
huddled and holding my breath.
The presence of your absence encases me.

清醒梦是一档由一群心理动力学咨询师发起的播客节目,我们尝试为当下中国的诸多议题,以及日常生活的方方面面提供一个精神分析的视角。我们推荐你使用 RSS 链接来订阅节目,以获得最佳收听体验。如果你不了解 RSS 订阅节目的方法,请参考这篇文章中的指导。

  • 何苦开心(公众号):主张精神分析活用,内容包括精神分析视频翻译,引言壁纸,精神分析活用系列文章,书籍讨论系列音频「阅读联想」等。
  • 开始咨询(公众号):由何苦开心发起的可靠、低价(200 元 – 400 元)的动力取向新手咨询师黄页,筛选国内外认可度较高的精神分析培训在读 / 毕业生,并且增加对于个人分析、个别督导的要求。


  • Logo 设计:方琳
  • 封面设计:周睿
